
Pre-Order FAQ

When will my pre-order ship?


  • All pre-orders have their estimated wait times listed in the description. This is usually 90-180 days, but you should check the listing for the specific item you want to be sure. Your pre-order will be shipped within that number of days after the date you placed your order.


How will I know when my pre-order has shipped?


  • You will receive an automatic email with tracking information to your email address on file when your order ships out, just as you would with an order for an in-stock item! If your order has been previously split to ship out in-stock items in advance of the pre-order’s completion, it is possible that the automatic email function may not send you a second tracking number for the second shipment. If you would like to request that tracking for the pre-order portion of your split shipment be sent manually, please contact Verillas Customer Service.


What happens if I purchase expedited shipping for a pre-order?


  • Purchasing expedited shipping controls the speed of shipping only, not the speed of production. If you choose expedited shipping for a pre-order, the item will be completed as scheduled, and when it is finished it will ship to you with your chosen expedited shipping.


What if I want to order a pre-order item and also items that are in stock?


  • The entirety of your order will be held until the pre-order item is completed and all the items can ship together in one package. If you would like your in-stock purchases to ship separately, ahead of your pre-order purchase, please either purchase the in-stock items through a separate order from your pre-order items, or contact Verillas Customer Service to request that the order be split and shipped separately. In some circumstances, including international orders, the order cannot be split. If you wish to make sure your in-stock purchases ship immediately, please purchase the in-stock items through a separate order.


What if I need the item for an event that’s happening before the pre-order window ends?


  • If you need an item for an event on a specific timeline that is shorter than the pre-order window, please contact Verillas Customer Service. In some circumstances we can create an item more quickly as a special order, which will involve an additional rush cost. These situations can be addressed on a case-by-case basis with Verillas Customer Service. We will do our best to work with you and help you get your items on time!


Should I contact Verillas Customer Service to get a more precise delivery estimate for my pre-order?


  • Verillas Customer Service cannot give a more precise delivery estimate for pre-orders than the full window indicated in the description of the item in question. If you need your item to be shipped before the final day of the full pre-order delivery window, please see “What if I need the item for an event that’s happening before the pre-order window ends?”


I am tired of waiting for my pre-order. What options are available to me?


  • You can contact Verillas Customer Service and we can offer to switch out your pre-ordered style for a comparable in-stock style that can be sent immediately, or we can cancel your pre-order and offer store credit in exchange. Pre-orders can be cancelled for a refund only if you contact Verillas Customer Service within 24 hours after you place your order, since after that time we will have begun work creating your item for you.